Lone Rider News - March 2019

News! A lot of News!
40k Giveaway
We are a tribe of 40 000 on Instagram!
To celebrate we gave away a MotoTent. Congrats to the winner: @uncledirtbike
If you missed out this time, make sure you follow us on Instagram here, for the next Giveaway: https://www.instagram.com/loneridergear/
Production is in full swing! We invested a lot into tooling this year so we can produce more and have higher stock levels.
The materials sourcing went smoothly and we flew to Taiwan to check the material first hand for quality assurance and compliance.
There are only a few places in the world that can provide the type of Hypalon and we are lucky that these guys can work with us. These guys are the best in the world and the new batch makes the cut.
For those that have ordered their MotoBags, we are on schedule to deliver in May. We will send out production updates in the coming weeks.
For those who want MotoBags for this year 2019, you can order here: https://www.lonerider-motorcycle.com/products/motobags
Limited quantity. Delivery in May.
ADV Zelt
The main production is complete and presales have come to a close. Andrew is in the factory today quality controlling all the tents and making sure they are perfect.
Once Andrew is done checking the ADV Tent batch, we will start shipping them out!
Can't wait to see the ADV Tents "in the wild". Photos welcome, we would love to share them on our social media accounts.
For those that pre-ordered the ADV Tent, keep an eye out for the tracking numbers in your inbox and reach out if you have any questions.
Many ask us if there is an "upgrade" in the works, if we are going to change the base design or materials and if they should wait to order one. The answer is no. There is an old saying "if it isn't broke don't fix it"
The MotoTent had 8 years of development and community feedback, tested all over the world and optimized. We don't get warranty claims or returns, that speaks for itself.
We are getting low on stock, and its bad timing as the season is upon us. Will keep you updated!
Team Update
Not really an update but more of a reshuffle. Andrew (AKA Wheelie Adventurous) from New Zealand has moved into the COO position (Chief Operations Officer). That's just a fancy pancy job title for the guy that runs the day to day operations, design, manufacture, strategy, and all that good stuff. Andrew is a veteran ADV rider and industrial designer that loves a beer, pulling wheelies and making products.
Ohh, we finally made an "about" page with a little bio on each of the team members too. Speaking about ourselves in the third person so you can get to know more about us. Rad. https://www.lonerider-motorcycle.com/pages/about-us
Wanna work in the ADV industry?
Well, calling it work can is a stretch, it's more of a lifestyle than working in the ADV industry.
We are looking for a high-level marketing manager to run the marketing operations preferably from Germany.
Check out the job description here. (It's in German) Would love to hear from you! https://lonerider-motorcycle.com/pages/jobs
Customer Service
We had some growing pains at the end of last year and it affected the quality of service we provided. As the work piled up, the normal "royal treatment" you were used to lagged.
Want to say we sorted it out and back to royal treatment mode. Accountability and being accessible you is of utmost importance. We don't want to be that big company that is out of touch with this amazing community.
European Distribution Center
Damn, logistics is a tough one, especially in Europe. We are looking at all the options to have another distribution center somewhere in Europe, we want to get you products even faster (currently 3-8 days)
New Products
We have heaps of ideas and you guys have given us a lot of feedback on what you want. We have already sent some product out to get tested by riders and waiting for feedback. Good things take time and they need to be put through their paces before moving to the next design phase.
We are a small team with limited amount of cash and we want to focus on quality. So.... we need to develop the products one by one and slowly.
That's it for now!
If you have any questions simply let us know in the comments below.
Fred, Andrew, and the Lone Rider team.